Review of Generation War

Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter
21 April 2024
Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter, or Generation Kill, is a strong and effective 3 part miniseries, to the point of feeling like a long movie that gives us perspective from the other side of the war. There's not much of that out there that does it in a true and honest way. But I think this show gets really close. And delivers a really effective look inside the minds and people of Germany during WW2.

It's story and characters all explore different sides of the war, the ones who stay, leave, are sent to leave, go to war. It manages to capture a lot in just 3 episodes.

Directing is strong, with great focus on characters, intense action and effective storytelling it doesn't ever miss a beat for me. It's story is filled with morrally grey choices, and things you can think about afterwards. It's not a easy show to watch and doesn't shy away from showing the horrors of war. It's main focus is on just the regular German citizen and soldier, not the camps, nor any special forces, nor the allies for that matter, who are shown in their true form just as much and not idolized into heroes.

It's a intentionally gritty and depressing series, how can it not be. But it takes no attempt at doubt combined with it's gritty desaturated colors and worn faces.

Acting is fantastic, you come to care for each character and their choices even though you still feel conflicted, all the time. Whilst some characters are easier to root for others are examples of the ones who tread and accept the darkness inside them. There's just a lot of complexity to explore making for such a good show.

There's more to say but for now, it's a fantastic series and I highly recommend anyone to see it even slightly interested in WW2 and getting it from a different perspective. Not the typical heroes/saviors versus evil.
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