Baywatch: Sail Away (1996)
Season 6, Episode 17
Did not agree with Mitch's decision about Joey.
17 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't care what the grandparents said, or their so-called story about Joey's mother, Kyla, as a teenager. The fact is, they legally disowned her. It wasn't that she just left and never came back. Or, that the parents simply cut her off. They. Legally. Disowned. Her.

They took legal steps to do this with their only child. Kyla did not leave her child to them to look after in the event of her death, but to Mitch. I think that says a lot. Like maybe the grandfather wasn't being honest when he told his "sad" story to Mitch. I don't care about the credit card story. In fact, given that she was 17, I would say there was a lot they could have done to protest any charges. I mean they disowned her because of money??? I found it interesting he described her as a difficult child and teenager. Blaming his dead daughter entirely. Taking zero responsibility. I mean why on earth did their child end up this way if they were such good and loving parents? I don't care if he jumped in to save Joey. After all, he knew Hobie was there and Mitch was on his way. Hokey and contrived to do this in order to push the idea Joey must go with him. I mean, the issue of raising a child and who is the right person to do that is more complex.

I also felt Mitch betrayed the trust he built with Joey. To hand her off to virtual strangers when he had the opportunity to keep her. Let them have visits, then. No regard for Joey's feelings or Kyla's last wishes.

I had like the father/daughter connection of Mitch and Joey and found it kind of magical. It's not like Joey had to be in every episode if the show kept her. I mean, if this was the issue? Mitch is too busy to raise a kid? It would make him look bad as a character? They could have written around that and came up with something. I also liked that Hobie loved her and took to being a big brother to her right away. Sometimes in life, you make your own family. It's not always about blood. People telling an alleged sad story, does not a good parent make.

Joey will probably end up doing exactly what her mother did when she gets older. Given that the grandparents must have been inept, possibly abusive parents to Kyla. There is a missing piece of the story regarding her as a child/teenager. And the fact she did not leave her child to her parents speaks volumes. Huge red flags, IMO.

There was some other story about a race with some of the other lifeguards. I did not pay much attention to it as it seemed boring and stupid. Anyway, I found the Joey story and how the show got rid of her disappointing. 4/10.
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