Big Brother meets Oz, great series.
14 April 2024
A Sheriff at an Arkansas Prison sets an experiment in motion at The Facility, he plans to open the doors and increase privileges, but both come with problems, that threaten to end the program.

I binge watched the whole lot over a single weekend, it's a fascinating documentary series, so interesting.

It's like a real life Oz, with Big Brother cameras watching, it's definitely a look at Prison life, but more so it's a study on human nature, the laws of the jungle as it were, a fascinating social experiment.

It's interesting the whole way through, you really do get to see how the program influences and changes people. Easy to write them all off as bad eggs, but there are signs of change, Randy and Crooks seem like really cool guys.

I chuckled to myself, who's the worst person to be locked down with, definitely Miller, wow that guy was so irritating.

Biggest nuisance - Miller Best tattoos - Crooks Most likely to cause a riot - Eastside Most level headed - Randy Worst person to play dominos - Weekley.

I urge you to watch it.

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