12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what DID Jennifer do?

We don't really get to know.

She somehow set in motion that three men with (one, two, three?) guns could enter her house that she shared with her parents.

Through her ex-boyfriend she got in contact with them. So he's a co-conspirator. We gather. Because there was a short bit about text messages between her and him.

She unlocked the front door. She lied to the police.

She concocted stories, and phone-harrassed her ex.

That's what she did. Oh, and not go to uni but telling her parents she did. What she did instead was not revealed, though the officer SAID he'd like to know.

When did she contact Homeboy (home invader no. 1), how many times, did they communicate details given at all. No timeline, just Day 1, 2, etc. Until she is arrested.

The police interviews were interesting, but I don't need Netflix for those. Some input of officers etc. Involved was interesting, therefore 5 stars.

But not worth watching the whole thing for. There was no real background, nothing went in depth, nothing new revealed at all.

It was sketchy, superficial, unnecessary. 48 Hours does it better. Much better.
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