Review of Jinaal

Star Trek: Discovery: Jinaal (2024)
Season 5, Episode 3
"Surprisingly well written"...
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
...does not mean, it was an outstanding episode, it just means that the scene stucture, the dialogue, characterisation and characters were better than normal.

First of all, Tilly and Renor: In the beginning, Tilly is her normal annoying self, she does not wait until permission is given to speak, she is bubbly, happy and cloy. When put in her place by her new first officer, she comes down a bit. And at the end of the episode she makes a good point about connecting with people and earning respect. But Raynor does as well. And while they may not like each other, they know where the other comes from. So, character and structure wise, that was a well written start of the relationsship of two characters.

The root of their argument was Reynors decision to get to know his new crew by giving everybody just twenty words of introduction time. This is not only a good choice by the writers to make his character more interesting and also helps to define the rest of the bridge crew a little better. Now we no more about those characters than we have ever in the last years.

Two more relationsships are flashed out a little more, Saru and the Vulcan and the short haired girl and the Trill. The scenes concerning both couples were not just straight forward, they was always a little twist: Saru being manipulated by another Vulcan and the short haired girl being subtly pushed to break up with the Trill despite the Trill being the one who wanted the relationsship to change. Really well written and surprisingly well subtly acted in all the aforementioned scenes. It was especially refreshing to see Tilly annyed and quiet and not loud and stupid.

Now we come to the last point, the progression of the main plotline. While not bad this time, it was not as interesting as the character scenes. In this episode Culber gets willingly possessed by an old Trill Symbiont or rather its mind and leads Burnahm and Book to the hiding place of the next piece of the puzzle. First of all, Cruz gets to act as a different character and he does a good job. Secondly, to find the next piece BnB have to solve a very StarTreky problem. Not bad, not outstanding, but not bad at all. Also the revelation what the price of the treasure hunt might be and why it was hidden so long is actually interesting and logical respectivly.

So all in all I think this was the best epsiode yet in all of Discovery, from a writng standpoint. For the episodes to get better completely we need more believable relationships, better setups and payoffs and characters that act logically and not stupid. And this episode showed that at least that the people in the writing team can write.
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