Death Valley (1982)
The little boy Peter Billingsley stolen the picture, don't be fooled by the haters!!
6 April 2024
If the readers may permit a little intro about this movie, I'd already lost my hope to find this rarest movie that watched in far off 1988 around my teenager years, in fact I've just remember some small fragments, out of the blue in a quick research at my old friend Youtube appears it on dubbed version, well I can't believe in my own eyes, all this in fine print near DVD, well it sent me back on late eighties for one hour and a half.

The plot is quite simple the little boy Billy (Peter Billingsley) living in New York with her divorced mother Sally (Catherine Hicks) flying into California to meet her new boyfriend Mike (Paul Le Mat) for a vacation on Death Valley aiming for easy the feelings of Bill over a forthcoming engagement between his mother and Bill, an annoyed Billy is afraid that it could ward off his father, however the worst is coming when they reach in a old mine at Death Valley, Billy walking around find a necklace at empty motor-home, where moments early someone slashed tree occupiers, later it was found burning in a ravine nearby.

Turns out that Billy got the necklace and on the restaurant saw the waiter Hal (Stephen McHattie) wearing the same one, reaching at crash area seeing the motor-home in flame, Billy decides told the truth to local Sheriff (Wilford Brimley) about the strange object, it raises suspicions of the Sheriff due in such in past year had an akin murder on same patten, all victims were slashed, thus this necklace belongs to two local brothers that living on a desert area and could be the key to clarify those murders, not so fast the old Sheriff exposes to Hal all about over the necklace found by young Billy, henceforth he becomes a target to be slash.

A kind of B-flick mixing slash and thriller, many gorgeous girls, nude scenes with beauty Gina Christian, having the great landscape of the marvelous Death Valley as backdrop, also great casting as well and the undeniable eye candy Catherine Hicks in fine shape, without forget the strong performance of McHattie and Paul Le Mat and the veteran actor Wilford Brimley not despicable that some reviewers want implied.

Thanks for reading


First watch: 1988 / How many: 1 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 6.5.
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