Below mediocre, Astrid Lindgren turning in her grave.
2 April 2024
Astrid Lindgren is turning in her grave. This is truly terrible.

Poor acting: Mattis sounds like he's reading a script. No emotion, no soul, and it's a laughable performance. Same goes for the rest of the so called actors. EVERYTHING FEELS UNNATURAL.

It feels like a school project.

Ronja looks like Birk, What is that all about?

Also, I'm a black man but what's up with the black dude in a wig(looks more like a hat)? I don't get it. The whole show is out of touch. Isn't this medieval Sweden. Why do they have to force this diverse/inclusion bullcrap?! IT DOESN'T LOOK NOR DOES IT FEEL REAL.

Whoever produced/directed this boring tale is either a beginner or not ment for the job.

The show's got so many flaws and problems that just doesn't make any sense. In one scene the Harpies/Vildvittrorna are looking for Ronja lika mad. She jumps in the water, and as soon as she goes under the surface they take off... Like NPCs. Wtf? In a normal fairytale/world they would probably hang around to see if she emerges out of the water?

That's just one out of many mistakes.

Oh yeah, Ronja hasn't been outside the Castle ever, but for some reason she's a brilliant swimmer. Ludicrous.

Shame on everyone in charge, A disgrace to Astrid.
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