Hectic gibberish
29 March 2024
I keep coming back to these movies. Over and over. I love monster movies and can enjoy dumb-fun action. I'm the exact target audience. How do they continue to fail? Aside from Godzilla (2014), they range from mediocre to terrible. And GxK is no different.

I know most reviews will compare this to Godzilla Minus One. But I have to. Every single Godzilla shot from Minus One is better than every single shot of him in GxK. Every single action scene in Minus One is better than every single one in GxK. Better story, characters, dialogue, emotional investment. Everything. Minus One is better in every way.

The worst thing I can say about GxK is... I was so bored. And I didn't care about anything that was happening. Zero investment. This is partly because it doesn't really have a story. Stuff just happens. Halfway through, I still didn't know what the story was about, what conflict we might be heading to, any kind of build up of a threat.

They continue with another useless human plot, completely formulaic and bland. One of the only positives is a highly talented cast. They're just not given anything to work with. Rebecca Hall is the only one who gets to show her talent.

Even worse is the 50+ comedic attempts. I laughed twice. The nearly sold out crowd laughed a few times. The rest made me cringe. They're like dad jokes. The entirety of the human story is basically a kids movie.

What about the titans? They rarely show the scale of these monsters. Most of the time it's from the perspective of the monsters, not the humans. So they always look like they're 6 feet tall, with everything around just smaller.

Even the movements are so fast like humans are fighting. When they fall, they fall in a second. No ground-shaking impact. It feels so fake and nowhere close to epic. I'm not anti-CGI, but the big action scenes are hectic gibberish.

I give up. It shouldn't be this difficult. I don't even need it to be a "good" movie. Just entertaining with good action. Instead I get forgettable and dumb.

(1 viewing, opening Thursday IMAX 3/28/2024)
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