Review of Ghostbusters II

Ghostbusters II
24 March 2024
Ghostbusters II, continuing on 5 years later the ghostbusters are back for more of the same, and little else. If anything, it's watchable and entertaining, especially for the fans, but also delivers poorly on story, continuity and writing in general.

Directing again is nothing to write home about. It's fine and does it's job, but it's never engaging nor creative enough with it's subject matter. The train scene, some repeat scenes, all just kind of meh in buildup and execution. Pacing and editing take the same route with really losing it's momentum a few times throughout. This is where the first movie works much better as it's really building up something. An aspect this movie is missing entirely and doesn't really replace with anything worthwhile. The love plot, is ambiguous at best and corny at times. If anything the comedic love plot of the other two side characters is a lot more interesting and fun. The whole 5 year in between gap has a few drawbacks due to the relationships and character development kind of being left behind and forgotten. The first half hour or so of the movie specifically felt odd to me, and in general this movie doesn't hold a very specific comedic tone. It's definitely not as funny and well written as the first.

Music is okay, but never reaches the heights in the first. There's some new music written for this but gosh... it's bad.

Acting, good enough but no-one is doing anything special here anymore. Though honorable mention to Moranis for just being great, always. Deservedly got more screentime. Zeddemore as a character still feels like a undeveloped 3rd wheel to the crew.

The story and writing was just okay, it certainly requires you not to really think about it all too much. The first movie has a interesting.. plot and so does this. This movie does miss a better finale. As it mostly falls flat.

It's not offensive as a sequel, but it also doesn't really have a right to exist as it leaves us exactly where we ended again in the first movie.
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