Review of Silence

Silence (V) (2019)
22 March 2024
Your smile is contagious.

I bet you can make even the crankiest babies smile.

You have the best laugh.

You light up the room.

You have a great sense of humor.

If you were a cartoon character, you'd be the one that gets bluebirds to sing on your shoulders.

You're like sunshine on a rainy day.

You bring out the best in other people.

There's just something about you that shines.

Colors seem brighter when you're around.

You always know how to have fun.

Jokes are funnier when you tell them.

You're the best at finding silver linings.

You always know what to say to make me feel better.

Being around you is like a happy little vacation.

You're more fun than bubble wrap.

You're like a breath of fresh air.

You're someone's reason to smile.

You're the only person who can always make me laugh.
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