The Walking Dead: Inmates (2014)
Season 4, Episode 10
The focus shifts to the other members of the group as they try to find each other and establish a new sense of normalcy
10 March 2024
Daryl and Beth hide out in the woods and camp out while avoiding Walkers. Beth wants to find the others but Daryl believes it would be useless. They come across a bloodied site near train tracks, where they are attacked by a Walker. Beth spots Luke's shoe next to a pile of fresh human remains. She breaks down crying, realizing their group might be dead.

Tyreese, Lizzie, Mika, and Judith continue to trek the woods while also avoiding Walkers. Things are made difficult by Judith's crying. When Tyreese comes upon two men being attacked by Walkers, he tries to save them, while Lizzie and Mika are left on their own against several Walkers. They are saved by Carol, and they eventually find Tyreese. He is with one of the men he tried to save, who is now dying. He tells them of a possible sanctuary up the tracks.

Maggie, Bob, and Sasha are in the woods by a quarry. Maggie is determined to find Glenn, despite the reluctance of the others. They come across the bus from the prison where they discover everyone dead and reanimated. Glenn is not among the Walkers. Maggie sits and cries in relief.

Glenn awakens on a section of the destroyed prison walkway. He searches for Maggie, with no success. He then packs up what he can and prepares to leave the prison. On the way out he discovers Tara, who's locked herself within a small gated area. Glenn wants her to come with him, despite her being with The Governor's army. On the road, Tara continually shows remorse for her actions, as she did not know how psychotic "Brian" was. After a small group of Walkers attacks, Glenn collapses, leaving Tara to kill a Walker by herself. She looks up to see a military truck, and yells that she hoped they "enjoyed the show". Three people climb out: Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita.

The focus shifts to the other members of the group as they try to find each other and establish a new sense of normalcy. Memorable scenes include Beth and Daryl's growing bond as they mourn the loss of Hershel and Maggie's determination to find Glenn, showcasing the group's resilience and determination to reunite. Meanwhile, Bob, Sasha, and Maggie form a new bond as they search for signs of their friends, highlighting the strength they find in each other.
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