Life of Belle (2024)
Best found footage film for awhile
3 March 2024
I went into this film with a bit of scepticism. However, I have to say I came out really impressed. I'm not one who reviews a lot of movies, but I thought I'd like to add my thoughts to this one, as it was likely to get washed away with average reviews.

First of all, I have to agree with some previous reviewers and say the acting is not great. Apart from Belle and her mother, the other actors are a bit "clunky", but this is a minor quibble.

Overall, this is a superb piece of drama on a small budget. Don't expect big jump scares. It slowly builds the terror and the viewer is left thinking "What the Hell is going on?" A small clue happens along the way, in a blink and you've missed it way. I will say no more. Suffice it to say, you know it's going to be a paranormal drama. Now, how does it pan out?

The dread builds slowly, though from the start, you know things aren't going to end well. A mix of Paranormal Activity, Blair Witch Project and Lake Mungo, it works well. A superb horror flick. I loved it and will definitely watch again, having had a feeling I might have missed some clues along the way.
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