New Tricks: Spare Parts (2008)
Season 5, Episode 1
Totally No Sense At All
29 February 2024
Number one issue that made NO SENSE at all: Ricky Hanson attacked a nurse at the hospital, and she was bleeding and looked dead. He was on hospital cameras, clear as day, there should have been no trial relating to Jack. Hanson should have been convicted of killing a nurse, hands down, end of story, life in prison.

Instead, the focus is on Ricky Hanson's attempted murder of Jack. Brian was attacked too, but apparently they gave Hanson a free pass on Brian and the murder of the nurse.

So we get a full trial episode (boring) about the personal lives of Jack, Brian, Jerry and Sandra. Every detail of their personal lives is brought out, including where Jack has his wife's ashes interred, Brian's medications, Jerry doing the DNA testing of his daughter, etc.

How could anyone know that information? Unless someone is living in the bushes at Jack's house, how can they know whether or not he has a drink at night and talks to his wife Mary? The Jerry DNA test was supposedly a secret. How would some defense attorney find out?

Brian's medications are something that should have included a medical expert if they were going to talk about the effects, etc. Seems like a lot of corners were drastically cut to stack the deck against the good guys.

Also a lot of the bad testimony should have been avoided with a simple "I don't remember." They were relying on memory loss to explain the car accident, but then they were admitting personal information that should have been impossible for the defense attorney to prove.

It is a real cheap move to bring up personal details that were impossible for anyone to know (except for the writers of the show). Under those standards, nobody would ever go to court! If you get into a car accident and are grilled about your kids' DNA, medications, personal relationships, etc., the trial system would be a bigger joke than it already is.
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