Review of Midsommar

Midsommar (2019)
26 February 2024
This movie started out with some promise, then devolved into the silliest plot I've seen in a long time. I'm not sure how the actors could keep a straight face as they went through the motions (literally) that the script demanded. Over and over again.

The idea of a cult with seasonal rituals could be open to many interesting aspects, whether they be horror or drama. But this one just got more ridiculous as it went along. I mean, the scene in the garden at the end was pointless, and didn't flow in any way with the rest of the action, such as it was. It made no sense at all. That's just one example of how the movie was all over the place as it tried to find a way to be scary, I guess Even before that I was laughing at what was happening, as it was just so disjointed, repetitive, and predictable.

At two and a half hours it was too long, also. Painfully so. I stuck it out to the end, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. This would be good for one thing. That is for Mystery Science Theater 3000 to mock. Too bad MST went off the air before this movie was made; it would have been perfect for them.

I have to question the tastes of people who gave this mess good ratings. What were they thinking? Did they enjoy seeing most of the supporting cast do the same things over and over again, taking up time that was unnecessary? Did they not see the end coming within the first half hour?
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