Throwback (implied) blood letting
21 January 2024
The team behind this film clearly are fans of 80s B-grade classics like Once Bitten and its ilk. The film was clearly modelled on such fare, trying for the same sassy 1980s style with a few peripheral updates to pull the film into the 21st century. With tighter production it might almost have hit the mark. Unfortunately, the film as delivered falls short. Maybe 80s chatty comedy horror just doesn't work in the modern meilleau. Maybe a tighter package would have gotten it over the line...

The film is intermittently in possession of most of the key elements of its more successful predecessors (down to its synth-heavy soundtrack), but tends toward being loose and uneven, and prone to meander. Its cast is sufficiently attractive and adequately skilled, and most of them have moments of on-point delivery, but somehow their performances get lost in the folds of the films excesses. And in terms of excesses, I'm not talking about gore - the film virtually has none. In fact, it really could have gone far harder on the horror aspect, which might have acted as an elevating counterpoint to its more syrupy heart.

All in all, it has enough charm to keep you watching to the end, but could have been so much more than the parts it scatters around liberally.
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