Review of Mufti

Mufti (2017)
So many plot holes.
4 January 2024
I'm not sure if I watched an extra edited cut of this movie or not, but there were SOOOOO many plot holes and scenes that ended too quick or didn't make any sense at all. The overall story is pretty good, but seriously, I could barely follow along with all of the different scene cuts. One second you're watching an intense conversation and then BOOM! The next, you're watching two people drive down the road and you're left wondering what the heck just happened. I've noticed this in several movies from India, they just jump from one scene to next with no real connection as to what happened or how the movie suddenly ended up where it is now. It's frustrating. I even looked up other versions of this movie from several streaming platforms and they were all missing the same scenes. Was the movie purposefully edited together this way, or was something lost in the transition to American streaming platforms?? Or are we just supposed to connect the dots with our imaginations?
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