Review of Mob Land

Mob Land (2023)
I don't even know why they bothered.
11 December 2023
I read in the trivia that the first draft was written in four days. That kind of explains a lot. I really don't know what the point of this movie was. It didn't say or do anything that hadn't been said and done better before. I think the director watched "No Country for Old Men" too many times and thought he could do something similar. He failed.

It feels like someone grabbed a bunch of words out of a hat and applied them to creating characters. Most of them have these random attributes or minor story points that just go nowhere. The sheriff has cancer. Okay. What does this add to his performance and the movie? Absolutely nothing. The protagonist has Parkinsons apparently. Again, this adds nothing to the story. The whole story and dialogue just wanders all over the place without really doing much. A complete waste of everyone' time, but those who made the film and anyone who watches it.

P. S. John Travolta is on screen for about 15 minutes total while Stephen Dorff is on screen for at least three times as much. They clearly made Travolta the face of it to capitalize on what's left of his reputation and I can only assume he took the paycheck and phoned in his performance.
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