25 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
5x8 Rating: 8.4/10

Storyline: In a flashback, Morgan's group is at the dam taking turns on the radio trying to reach out to strangers who might need help. After days of no response, Morgan finally makes contact with a man named Logan, who he promises to help. In the present, Doris and Logan's crew confront Logan, having torn apart the factory in search of something that he promised them but they can't find. The group demands to know what they are looking for, threatening to kill him otherwise.

On the road, Alicia takes a hot shower off of Grace's truck and furiously tries to rinse off the contaminated blood. As the nuclear plant sirens continue to ring, Grace tells Alicia they have to leave soon. A herd of walkers approaches and Morgan radios Luciana to tell her they'll try to lead them away as they prepare the plane and runway. Elsewhere, John hot-wires a car and drives him and Dwight away.

Back on the truck, Alicia tells Morgan she's sorry she couldn't kill any more of them, but he tells her she shouldn't be sorry and promises to teach her aikido. Grace then stops the truck as the walkers pass by and head towards the siren. Suddenly, the siren stops, and the nuclear plant explodes. The walkers then turn to their truck as Grace tries to drive away. She hits a car on the barricade and gets stuck, forcing them to run away.

Meanwhile, Sarah comes across Logan leaving the dam and asks him if he can help her light the runway for her friends. He reminds her he has stayed alive by not sticking his neck out, so he declines and drives off. Elsewhere, John and Dwight's car stalls out which Dwight suggests is due to the gas going bad. June radios John and vows to come to get him but he tells her not to and makes her promise to get on the plane whether he makes it back or not. He confesses his love for her and tells her she's his reason to live and he wants her to have a reason to live, too. John spots a message written on a tree - 'if you're reading this, it means you're still here', below the message, a ladder extending upwards from the flames. John then asks him how far he thinks Sherry's car is.

At the plane's airfield, Morgan, Alicia, and Grace run with the walkers close behind. Morgan radios Luciana to tell everyone to get ready to fly but she says John and Dwight aren't here yet, so Morgan asks them to help him fight the walkers. On the other airstrip, Sarah and Wendell discuss how they will light the runway for the plane's arrival when Daniel arrives to help them with some tools from his warehouse.

Back at the airfield, the group walks backwards to the plane as the walkers close in. Strand tells Alicia that Madison would be proud of her as June tells Morgan she made John a promise and they have to get on the plane. The group makes a run for the plane as John and Dwight drive their way past the walkers in Sherry's van. Everyone makes it on the plane safely as a wall of smoke from the reactor fills the runway. Strand and Al steer through it and make it into the open air. June tells John she didn't want to leave and he comforts her.

In the air, Grace breaks Morgan's staff in half and throws the contaminated half out of the plane. Morgan thanks her but doesn't look pleased. John tells June he worried he would never talk to her again and doesn't want to waste another moment. He fashions a candy wrapper into a ring, gets down on one knee, and proposes. She gleefully says yes and the two kiss.

That night, Sarah, Wendell, and Daniel finish the lights on the tarmac as the plane gets closer. Strand sees the lights and tells the other to look. Suddenly, Wendell spots a walker and kills it with his wheelchair spikes. Then another walker approaches and trips the runway lights. On cue, the plane runs out of fuel and Wendell's forced to jump out of his chair to fix it. The plane roars toward the dark runway as Wendell fixes the lights at the last second, allowing the plane to finally land.

Morgan embraces Sarah and introduces her to Grace. He then meets Daniel as everyone else gets introduced. Alicia spots Daniel and runs up to hug him. He apologizes to her for what happened and she promises to make things better. She introduces him to Dwight, who Daniel says needs a haircut. Charlie hugs him as Strand approaches. Daniel tells Strand he was wrong. "We all are sometimes," Strand says.

Suddenly, a woman contacts Morgan on the radio, asking if that was his plane flying overhead. She's seen his boxes and wants his help. The communication cuts out as Logan interrupts the signal and says they need to chat. He pulls up in an old truck as everyone focuses their guns on him. Logan explains that the world is in a state of decay that is making it hard for people to get to the places they need to. As part of that, gasoline is going bad which Clayton had anticipated and created a place to solve that problem. The location is in Clayton's journal which Logan had expected to find at the factory. Logan warns that if his crew knew he went to them, they would kill them all. Logan suggests that if they give him the journal, he can help the group find the place and with a glance at Sarah, admits that he has some things he needs to make up for as well. Logan insists that they need to work together to find the place before his former crew does.
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