Scott Pilgrim: Revelation
17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't hate this show. It was okay I guess, with a nice animation.

But a part of me found it disappointing. Very disappointing.

It saddens me to say this because I largely prefer animation over live-action, but the 2010 movie was better than this.

In case if you are wondering, this is NOT an adaptation of the comics.

It is a completely new version, where Scott Pilgrim plays a secondary role, and Ramona is the main character instead.

Kinda what like Netflix did with He-Man in the Revelations series. (I don't hate that show either, but I lost all respect I had for Kevin Smith once I discovered he got into the nft scam too)

I think it would have been more honest to name this "Ramona Flowers vs. The World" or "Ramona Flowers takes off", but apparently pissing off viewers with false marketing is considered some sort of "genius" move by people who loves subverting expectations. (Note: Subverting expectations only works when the subversion is at the service of the plot. When is done for pure shock value, it comes as schlocky, kinda like a clickbait article)

The new plot is also more shallow. More..."sanitized" if you get me. (Despite the TV-MA rating) Female characters are not allowed to have flaws and make mistakes.

Some people would say: "Why you would want a 100% faithful adaptation if the comic and the movie already exist", and I say:

1) The movie was a somewhat faithful adaptation but made its share of changes in order to fit the whole plot into less than 2 hours.

2) When a person likes a book, comic, or videogame, it would be nice to see a faithful adaptation of said work. I mean, even when I prefer the Full Metal Alchemist series from 2003 to Brotherhood, I can see why the fans of the manga demanded a more faithful adaptation, and I am glad they got their wish.

And one more thing: Any writer or creator who genuinelly believes in equality and strong female characters does not need to dumb down, weaken or erase male characters in order to make the women look better. That is just condescending pandering. Good female characters shine and are memorable by themselves.

If the writer is ashamed of making a "Manic Pixie Girl" story, he could easily have created a whole series with strong female characters, rather than trying to bait viewers using a male character.
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