This was just a terrible eyesore...
26 July 2023
Right, well I did not know about this DC animated movie titled "Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part One" prior to stumbling upon it by sheer, random luck. And I opted to sit down and watch it, since I had the free time. Usually I am not overly keen on superhero things, so I wasn't exactly thrilled to find this particular animated movie.

First of all, the title of the movie, "Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part One", is just not one that has any appeal to it whatsoever. It feels cluttered, clumbsy and just too long. And already there was the first anchor around the ankles of the movie.

The next anchor was the art style used. It looked like unfinished graphics for a 1990s computer game. It was seriously lacking textures and layers, and looked too plain and unfinished. Plus the fact that it was reminiscent of something trying to imitate Anime, but not fully delving into the Japanese art style. And those things just killed off "Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part One" for me. And I ended up giving up on it not even a quarter-way through the ordeal.

I don't even know what RWBY is, and thus can't claim that this aspect of this crossover DC animated movie had any appeal either.

I can't say whether or not the storyline in "Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part One" was good, because I just simply hadn't seen enough to form an opinon on it. But the art style in this 2023 animated movie from writer Meghan Fitzmartin and director Kerry Shawcross just didn't appeal to me in any way.

This 2023 animated movie receives a generous two out of ten stars from me, as I am not interested in watching something that looks like a discarded 1990s computer game that didn't make the cut because of subpar graphics.
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