Review of Dead Stop

Dead Stop (I) (2011)
What the Hell Was That!?!?!?
29 June 2023
This movie was incoherent, and more of a Jerry Springer episode than anything else. It was teens in a desert whose vehicle broke down; how cliche. Then, it becomes a cesspool of what would make a great swinger party. Everyone just starts freckin on each other. There's no back story to any of the characters besides their intimate relationships.

My next complaint was the "thing" that was trying to kill them. What the hell was it. Apparently, it only sees light and glossy red, with a blurry recognition in its center vision. The acting was insanely bad. Whenever that thing would happen to appear, everyone screamed like a version of Barbie in a tryout session, as well as making the dumbest decisions.

The last part of my rant is the bile they called a closing point to the end of this garbage. What was the creature? It just showed some dude petting something on the head at the end. Was it some dog? What the hell? Who was the guy?

This whole movie seemed entirely pointless, and it made me not care about any of the characters. This movie sucks. I usually don't give extremely negative reviews, but it just seemed like there was no effort put into the script at all. No creativity- anything!

3/10 - for the effort of the film crew.
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