25 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In the first film just four worms were a monumental threat, with them learning fast and being very tough and dangerous. In this movie they killed more worms during the opening montage than there were in the first film, and all that while loudly sitting in just a car (or even on the ground). This is the Alien 2 problem again. And not just with them turning the original extra dangerous threat into cannon fodder goons, but also with them bringing an accidentally surviving civilian into a military operation. Hey, the little girl has survived too, why didn't you call her? Well, at least this is a monster dark-comedy, and the first movie wasn't too serious ether. Unlike the Alien films, with their pretence that can rival oscar-bait garbage dramas.

I don't know what Kevim Bacon looks like, but at least i heard his name. For the sequel they didn't mange to get the famous person, so they had to do with whoever agreed to return. Burt is treated like a showstopper surprise by the movie, but his name is already in the opening credits, if someone even pays attention to them. And well, they handled the sequel okay. The successful character that figured his younger life out refused to get involved, and only the down on their luck people got roped into a dangerous adventure. Which also happens in a different location, and they pulled off an escalation not just with a bigger number of worms, but with their weird life cycle.

All the non-CGI monster scenes look amazing, these things actually feel real. In contrast with the obvious CGI that looks about on par with all the blue-screen and stop-motion effects of the time. The film has a noticeable amount of unnecessary ADR, with either subpar jokes or explaining stuff you already see on the screen.

It's an entertaining film, and it does work as a sequel, but it's not as good as the original.
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