Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
Represents the Best and Worst About Modern Black Mirror
23 June 2023
Beyond the Sea has been, from my understanding, the most well-liked episode of Black Mirror Season 6 so far. I can totally see why, but to me, it's really not THAT much better than Loch Henry. (Honestly, it's a little worse and I'll get to why). It's another somewhat disappointing, but still enjoyable, episode in what's so far been a pretty disappointing, but sometimes enjoyable season.

The Good:

1. Aaron Paul. He's one of those actors who's nice to see, regardless of what he's in, you know? I think his performance here is pretty good, although I would've preferred him to take on a slightly more obvious change when going from Cliff to David, because aside from a slight gruffness in his voice, there's not much of a distinct performance.

2. The Cinematography. Where this episode REALLY excels is the cinematography. It isn't an expansive setting (really, there's the spacecraft, the house, and a brief time in a town), but there's something about the way this one is shot that feels like the prestige quality Black Mirror was formerly associated with.

3. The ending. All three episodes so far have done very well with the ending, the characteristic Black Mirror twist that - I think - convinces most of us (myself included) that the episode is better than it was. This one is no different and while I could understand where the story was going as soon as the major inciting incident occurs, I was taken aback by the incredible darkness of the ending.

4. Subtle storytelling. I like the tonal shift this episode takes, with things that you have to notice while watching to really click (even if the ideas themselves aren't particularly groundbreaking). For example, I liked the subtle clues about Lana's (Rooney Mara) dissatisfaction with Cliff's replica from little shots here and there. It didn't need to be spelled out directly for the audience.

The Bad:

1. The Pacing. I hated how this episode was paced. Look, I like slow burn storytelling when it makes sense. But the one thing I detest, possibly more than anything, is underwriting leading to a deliberately slow pace and a feeling that this story could've been told much quicker and much more effectively. Unfortunately, that's the biggest problem with this episode.

It's not that it should've been shorter, it's that if you're going to basically give us a movie length episode, JUSTIFY THIS. There are so many interesting things that weren't explored, that should've been. Discussions that could've happened, that didn't. I just find it baffling.

2. The Cult. I know this may be controversial, considering I think it ultimately makes sense in the grand scheme of things, but I felt David and his family's death-by-Charles Manson knockoff a little silly. It felt like a way to scream to the audience that THIS IS 1969 EVERYONE and a but over-the-top. I feel like a simple car accident would a) make more sense and b) make the events of the episode even more brutal and devastating.

3. Josh Harnett. Too little of him, imo. To have a guy like that come back for Black Mirror and to UNDER USE him like that is really disappointing.
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