Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
Could have been a perfect 10 if not for a plot hole.
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This story was excellently told, and wonderfully acted. Aaron Paul better be on the awards rounds for this performance. I truly felt compassion for the characters and felt genuine angst and shock when the writers needed me to.

There's just one plot hole that stops me giving a 10. A plot hole that if addressed would mean there is no story to tell. We have these replicas that can do everything the human versions can do. They have their consciousness, can touch, feel, chop wood, kiss, sleep, and drive. What they cannot do is eat or drink, and one assume that they do not have a need to use the bathroom.

Why oh why then would NASA send the humans into space and leave the replicas on earth? Surely it would make better sense to send the replicas into space. Then they wouldn't need to pack food, or razors, or have toilet facilities etc. If there was a disaster they'd lose the replicas but the human life would be in tact on earth.

Of course if this were to happen, the cult wouldn't have killed the family, and he wouldn't be trapped in space.

All of that being said, I was able to suspend my disbelief on that front and assume they could give some instory reason for why it had to be the way it was, and only dock 1 point from my rating.
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