Comedy Is A Yes, While Horror/Thriller Is A Heck NO!
17 June 2023

Fast Paced -It dives right into the chaos and gets you where you need to go... stupid comedy thrills and the likes.

-The pace just continues to move, pulling little to cram as much fun as it can into the 90 minutes -Once the madness starts, it doesn't stop and those not wanting to think, this movie will give you little to think on with the antics at hand.

Funny At Times -For me, I had several moments that were really funny to me, the delivery and the punch of the moment quite amazing and just rightly delivered.

-Several of the jokes I got, and those references were funniest to me, cracking me up at the dig or jab at the culture.

-Lots of fun at time with a lot of frequent jokes means lot of opportunities to laugh and hopefully be pleased with the jokes

The Game Is An Interesting Concept -The movie sort of has a Jumanji feel with it, only without animals you get sort of death threats -It's used at the start well, adds some comedy, and sets the premise for the fun to begin.

-And the game board feels very insidious, dark, and a bit offensive to match the tone of the movie.

The Mystery Element To It -A thriller like this with a masked killer is always a bit about unmasking the killer and seeing if you can do it before them.

-Blackening has that element and is very fun to try and figure it out, again sprinkled with the comedy that they pride themselves on.

-And there is that mystery to an extent that should be integrated well for most of the group, with the comedy and kills. It's a binding element that works, and there isn't much more to say.

The Setting/Lighting/Visuals -It's all about establishing the mood of being isolated and in trouble, and the movie does this well.

-A fantastic use of shadows without drowning us in the dark, but enough of a comedic feel that again goes with the comedic element of the movie.

-Matching the theme of the game, with the cultural tones, Blackening really establishes much of the mood of this movie. Thus, I love when a movie does this and has a lot of fun with itself in new ways.


The Comedy Is Very Aggressive and Specific -You are not going to like this movie if you don't have the flexibility or get the references.

-Blackening's specific humor is brilliant at times, but for the rest, you have to be ready for the in your face style and language that comes with it.

-Cursing is a no brainer and sort of thrown about, while insults paint the screen in a menagerie of innuendos and brutal blows that you might enjoy if in the mood.

-The limited tones get points off for diversity and movie as a whole, but in regards to the category, might be the biggest selling point of the movie.

Misnomer of Horror -I know the trailers made this more like a comedy, and they are not lying.

-Still horror usually means one has to be scared, frightened and perhaps a tad creeped out/horrified by what you see.

-And this movie does little to illicit those things, merely playing on the stage of horror because there is a killer in the mix.

-Thus, looking for a scary movie? This isn't the film to watch.

The Game Gets Dropped Very Quickly -The game aspect that was the selling point and gets the thrills mostly started... gets dropped quickly -It's disappointing to me secondary to the fact that it was a cool medium to do so much with and then it just gets forgotten. Almost an afterthought, almost as if the comedy got in front of the horror concept, -Thus, I would have liked more through it, solving the mystery and adding some spice to the mix, instead of blunting me over the head with jokes.

Very Lacking Of Suspense -The movie with the world thriller as a genre needs to be thrilling, but again it failed me on this aspect -The stakes are relatively low, the elements practically erased, and the comedy only further dilutes any engaging thriller aspect of the movie.

-It led to the movie again being boring and missing the element that I had hoped was hinted at the trailers. Thus, don't get too focused on the killer aspect like I wanted to see.

Stupid End Credit Scenes -End credits scenes are already thin ice for this reviewer, but these moments are a bit of a waste of time.

-Not quite bloopers, it's like scenes cut form the main film and kind of extra additions that did little for me.

-I found it overdone, bloated, and quite unnecessary, but again, want more comedy and jokes, you got it. At least the music works for the most part.

The Plot Easy To Predict: -The plot is about a mystery and surviving the killer, alongside a solution to the ordeal.

-Unfortunately, the solution is easy to decipher, the twists not very twisty, and the fact most of the other elements are buried in comedy does little to make the story engaging.

-Again, the comedy will help alleviate things, but the story is not the most cohesive or engaging plot that these movies sort of need to really soar in my book.

-Not the worst, but not the best either.


The Blackening is a film that thrives on comedy and especially to those who get the style, the delivery, and the references and can bathe in the deluge of jokes. It's fast pace leads to maximizing the joke storm, and the character all have this element that works together and helps you pick a favorite piece. A fun setting that fits the theme, the movie is just dumb fun and potentially more so in an intoxicated or influenced mind. The movie is not the most theater worthy experience, but a game night at home, the fact that the horror and thriller parts are minimized pushing the movie towards the home viewing. A predictable story, minimal plot, focus on comedy and stupid antics re all what are big on the agenda and if that is the movie you are dying to see, this movie is for you. For me, factoring in everything, the film gets the score:

Comedy/Horror/Thriller: 7.0 Movie Overall: 6.0.
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