Last Sentinel (2023)
Someone Had a Point to Make, But Couldn't find a Plot
7 May 2023
So. Let's examine Apocalypse movies. Good ones usually start with the world having ended for some undefined reason before portraying survival in this new world featuring some identifiable and relatable characters. Planet of The Apes, Night of the Living Dead, The Last Man on Earth ...the list goes on, but despite some retro social commentary often used to justify sequels, the movies were initially just good yarns, well produced and designed to entertain.

Then we have bad apocalypse movies which can also be well produced and have big budgets but they have to preach at you instead of letting you just watch and enjoy. Mostly, these have such a ludicrous premise to begin with because they don't really care about believability or entertainment, they just want to hammer you with their MESSAGE. Silent Running, Don't Look Up, The Day After Tomorrow, 2012 (actually, ANY Emmerich or Devlin film should just be avoided for fear of terminal mind rot) all are examples of people trying to cash in on the current trend for How The World Will End.

In the 60's, 70's and 80's it was nuclear war. Very briefly in the 90's and early 2000's the more believable Asteroid strike. Now it is anthropogenic Climate Change. The link between the bookending trends is mankind's greed and lust for power. For some reason we are meant to hate ourselves and those evil capitalists that refused to stop whatever they were doing until it was too late.

This film begins with that premise in the narrative and combines the 60's - 80's trend of post apocalyptic movies with the current one.

All that aside, I give the film 2 stars for acting and production and 1 star for great sets and effects. Unfortunately it loses a lot of stars for just making me tired of a genre I really used to enjoy.
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