Tooth Fairy 2 (2012 Video)
Geared toward the simpleminded who has never seen a movie in their entire life
4 May 2023
(2012) Tooth Fairy 2 COMEDY/ CHILDREN

Larry the Cable guy is great as stand-up, but when it comes to live acting movies, they're some of the worst ever, which may not be saying much. And I highly doubt many children actually know who Larry The Cable Guy comedian but the thing is the makers had to use him since they can't get anyone else. He stars as Larry who gets sent up to 'tooth heaven' to bring in 10 pieces of children's teeth otherwise his most cherished memory is going to be deleted from his head and out of his memory. And at the same time Larry's also fighting for the affection of a girl he's attracted to a much younger gentleman who's running for mayor. Intended for the simple minded and 8 year olds who love everything whatever is put on. Bomb.
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