Dark: Doppelleben (2017)
Season 1, Episode 4
B grade Slasher Film
1 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a B grade slasher film disguised as a television series.

First of all, every character is stupid. Not as in IQ, but in terms of incongruous behaviors that no thinking person would do. Elizabeth Doppler is missing - why? Because the school gave her a note to give to her parents and she didn't.

Then, she had an opportunity to get a ride home but refused it. Keep in mind, she KNOWS she didn't give the note to her parents so she KNOWS they're going to be late.

Next, Elizabeth starts to walk home. IN A TOWN WHERE KIDS HAVE GONE MISSING. How smart is that? And we find out her sister has been correct: Elizabeth stole Franziska's lipstick. And this is after she accused her mother of stealing a memory card.

ALL of these people are lowlifes, including the kids! It's nearly impossible to empathize with any of these characters. Whenever there's drama, most often it's the result of one of the characters doing something stupid.

And of course, true to slasher movies, whenever someone goes into a dark space/cavern/basement they're always alone and most often don't have a flashlight.

FINALLY: It STILL hasn't occurred to Ulrich Nielsen that perhaps the reason they can't get a search warrant is because Aleksander Tiedemann is a criminal. Come on. These characters are sleepwalking through life.
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