Condor's Nest (2023)
A punchy, dialogue-driven affair that's just hot enough to sizzle
24 March 2023
Condor's Nest swings hard, doesn't entirely land the punch, and yet manages to take us to the ninth round with a pulpy, character-driven overtone.

Jacob Keohane is excellent, if singularly morose, as Will Spaulding, an American pilot who watched a Nazi colonel execute his bomber crew, and travels to South America in search of revenge against that same colonel, played by Arnold Vosloo. We encounter a twist as it turns out certain Nazi figureheads thought dead turn up alive in Argentina, and the singular chase spirals out of control.

The production value isn't quite there and one assumes this film was produced on a smaller budget - the car chases are nothing to write home about, and the bits of action are spaced too far apart to allow the longer "standoff" sequences to properly bite - but its punchy script, menagerie of characters, and character actors, from Michael Ironside as a Russian spy to Jackson Rathbone as a misogynistic Nazi cokehead, ultimately make this an entertaining, if probably less-than-acclaimed, watch.
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