Review of I

History of the World: Part II: I (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Non-stop curse and smut feast
8 March 2023
I can't believe Mel Brooks put his name on this. What happened to Mel? Did he not read the script or watch this at all?

Well, what he have here is a very bad sequel to a super beloved comedy movie. Unfortunately, it does not deliver much on the comedy or humor, but, it delivers smut of cursing by the truck load.

Certainly not a decent comedy for the family. I really wouldn't call it a comedy for anyone decent to be honest.

Oh well, Mel Brooks sure dropped the ball... BIG TIME!

This is nowhere near the level of his previous works like Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs, History of the World part I, etc. I predict this show won't last long and will quickly be forgotten. Another great franchise destroyed.
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