Review of Cunk on Earth

Cunk on Earth (2022)
Heed the advice of Kirk Lazarus
18 February 2023
There are some funny moments in the narrative portions of the series, but as others have pointed out, it gets repetitive fast after the first episode.

The interviews are, for the most part, painfully difficult to watch. Many are comparing this to Ali G, but Cunk appears not to understand the formula that made Ali G so good.

First, his best interviews were with politicians and otherwise powerful people who the audience enjoys seeing humiliated. As the germans call it, schadenfreude. Cunks' subjects are mostly academics and historians who seem to genuinely care about their work. Watching them stare blankly at Cunk after she says something outrageous just made me feel bad for them, like this was a waste of their time. Punching up is funny, punching down is pathetic.

Second, Ali G's stupidity, while extreme, made sense in terms of his character. Cunk's Colbert-esque portrayal of an arrogant, close-minded, euro-centric buffoon could work, but falls apart when the character is so dumb she doesn't appear to understand the concept of death or doesn't know how to pronounce "Bible" or just starts talking about anal bleaching for no reason. Half the time, she isn't even asking her experts questions, just making statements at them while they sit in silent confusion.

There was potential here, and some good laughs scattered throughout, but the interviews are a failure.
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