Doctor Who: Boom Town (2005)
Season 1, Episode 11
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Boom Town is a light harted episode for the Doctor and Co. But It was still interesting none the less.

I don't think all the Jokes landed, but Annette Badland and Christopher Eccleston's chemistry was on point, the Dialogue was very good because it gave them in these strange scenarios at the Restaurant. The Slitheen telling the Doctor about herself and then doing those things, was really interesting. It showed the more Clever side of the Doctor and put him in these difficult situations that he managed to overcome, but this episode is definitely the best written one In Siries 1 and maybe even Russell T Davies Era of the show, at this currant point in time.

Captain Jack Harkness

Captains Realationship in this Episode was better then it was in Empty Child/Doctor Dances Episodes. This is because he was less flirtatious and had more of a personality. He was more Funny, Witty and even tried to take charge, which shows he can be brave and have a more bossy side to him.


Murray Gold's music is always Iconic, and it set the tone for the show.

Mickey and Rose's Relationship Troubles

I thought they didn't really look on this aspect of the episode as well as they could of, but If Annette Badland and Christopher Eccleston are showing off there acting skills then I really don't mind. Rose and Mickey try and have time alone, and it's safe to say it doesn't go very well. Mickey and Rose have an argument. About how Mickey doesn't even like this girl he's going out with, but Mickey has a dig as if she would know, as she's been gone for ages. He claims he has tried to contact her without any success. Ofcourse he's gonna be annoyed and rightfully so to be honest she's a Huge dick to him. Also this is an episode I started to dislike Rose as a character, purely because she was a huge ass to Mickey. When she runs away when something wrong happens, really winds Mickey up. His acting when he says " ah go on then run " was poorly acted but I can see why he was annoyed.

Villains Motive

Her Motive is understandable, and she's also the mare of Cardiff. She wants build some buildings so they can fall down as it's close to the rift. Whilst this goes on she's slowly dying. I thought this was a good thing, mostly because you feel for her, and Russell T Davies does a good job of that. She has a load of screen time, and it kind of adds a bit more Character depth for the Villain.

The Ending

I felt like it was a little rushed, and the Villian turning into an egg was an odd choice. It also happened so fast. Captain Jack Harkness decides to stay for another trip with the gang. The Ending of them being pulled out from the Tardis sets up the next episode so well.

I hope you enjoyed my review of Boom Town and as to why its not so bad,

Overall: 8.5/10 Solid Fun comedic Episode.
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