Cunk on Earth (2022)
"When was the first flight that was long enough to need a toilet?"
7 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love this kind of quirky, dead pan humor, and this show delivers it in spades. Or I should say, Diane Morgan as Philomena Cunk delivers it in spades. I hesitate to believe that the experts she interviews in this series weren't in on the joke, although the woman in Episode #4 seemed pretty indignant when asked about being able to see during the daytime. The non-sensical questions and positions Ms. Cunk takes on a wide variety of subjects is intended to be nothing less than absurd, so it's with that mindset you have to approach the program. I for one, now consider myself well informed on the following: Cows are the number one enemy of humans, the highest number you can count to is seven hundred, the brain is full of pipes, and ancient Rome was so advanced it had its own volcano. Tragically, none of the people involved in ancient Rome are alive today, and on another bitter note, medieval times aren't happening anymore. Although Ms. Cunk is not averse to using the 'f' word from time to time, for the most part she keeps it clean and above board, and you can only wonder what's going through the mind of her interviewees. With each chapter of this five part series not running more than thirty minutes, it's easy enough to watch in a single binge worthy effort if your sides can keep from splitting. Ample down time is provided in each with a rousing version of 'Pump Up the Jam'. And lest you think this is a one-off, you might be surprised to learn that Ms. Morgan has also done wonders with 'Cunk on Britain', Cunk on Shakespeare', etc. Consider yourself forewarned.

Philomena Cunk - mispronounce her name at your own peril.
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