The Climb (2023)
Tried hard to like it but I just can't
25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, when I heard Chris Sharma, my childhood hero, was creating a show I was instantly filled with excitement. Now after watching it, I have lost some respect for my once viewed idol.

So the show starts off great, they picked perfect routes that had history and stories behind them from Chris. The first climb they did was a deep water solo, in which a contestant named Deco decided to strategically jump off after passing the bottom contestants high points. This was smart on his part since it had began to rain and the holds were wet and taking a bad fall from higher up could end his competition early. Especially since there is no incentive to top the route or to climb it the fastest. Later on in the episode Chris digs into Deco and says he lost a lot of respect for him for jumping off early... for what? Playing the competition? It's not his fault the show has a poorly structured competitive nature to it.

After the first episode there isn't much to rave about. The camera work is decent at best. They don't get the best shots of the climbers and often show terrible views, and the b-roll of scenery isn't that great as well. They also don't show or talk about the history of the climbing areas that much, it's usually only from Chris's experience. I don't know where Jason is during any of this, he is more of just a marketing face, although where the show truly shines is seeing Jason's and Chris's friendship. It's really cool to see how the most oddly paired climbing partners can be great friends. And I don't know why Megan is in the show, she truly doesn't add anything. There are no stories from her or background information, she's kinda there just to cheer on the contestants.

Now back to the Deco drama. On episode 5 they are climbing a newly established route set by Chris on this beautiful sandstone. If you know anything about climbing on sandstone you'll know how easily holds can chip or break off. And if you didn't know that, then you have Chris and Megan to remind you 100 times as they were setting up the route(if that isn't foreshadowing for what's about to come). So it comes to Deco's turn to climb, and as he is his usually quirky self as he begins to climb. In his first 10-15 moves he grabs a hold and it breaks off, again this thing happens, especially on newly established sandstone routes. Then they immediately began to insult his character again and say that he is childish and not serious. As if the hold cares that you are dead serious or just having fun.

Also on the first episode they made it a point that they are looking for the best up and coming climbers and are going to give them an opportunity of a lifetime. But they are all just average climbers, and I doubt any of them can climb V10 or 5.13b and above. I can't see any of them gaining a following, especially since there seems to be no focus on contestants back stories. And Tiffany.... She has to be the most annoying contestant ever. She cries about everything and is definitely one of those people that cries to get sympathy like she'll get a handout.

Overall I was really disappointed in the show. It is an amazing concept, they just didn't execute it the way they should have. I keep Forgetting that this is a competition since there are no rewards/prizes of getting first on climbs. If there were incentives like choosing order, free from elimination, or beta from Chris himself then it's feel like an actual competition.
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