Pulp Fiction (1994)
The movie that leaves you begging for more
24 January 2023
I'm over 50 now, and was fortunate enough to see this on release, in 1994. Fortunate, because at that time, the world of cinema hadn't been shaken up and forced to evolve due to this very movie's existence

I often wonder whether seeing this movie today can have the same impact it did when it came out because there had been nothing remotely like it then. You didn't get chopped up storylines which you had to piece together at the end. You didn't get dialogue that was genuinely clever and interesting and had nothing to do with the plot. You didn't get this mix of cool and violence somehow being totally palatable. Most of all, you didn't get a string of completely original, brilliant, mind-blowing scenes, any one of half a dozen which would be the highlight of a normal movie. To top this off, there was a soundtrack of brilliant tracks you hadn't heard before, all perfectly fitting the scenes that dropped them

To sum up the impact of Pulp Fiction hitting the cinema in 1994, it was 2 hours of mouth open, what the ... am I experiencing here. And like holding your mouth open, or being on a roller coaster ride, when it was suddenly over you were begging for it to continue

Pulp Fiction is probably a black comedy. The subject matter usually involves violence, or at least a topic you wouldn't bring up with your parents. No one is ever trying to be funny, but some of the scenarios and lines will leave you crying with laughter. The scenes while involving fairly exotic setups compared to the average movie goer's life, have subject matter that is totally relatable: passing blame in an awkward situation, talking yourself out of a very bad decision, what you really talk about when going from A to B, how you love your partner despite how infuriating they can be, and more

One of the main devices of Pulp Fiction, is how the plot does not take place chronologically. There are three separate stories, which relate to each other and share characters, but they are spliced in a way that doesn't allow you to know exactly what has happened or still needs to happen. The genius of this approach is that you never experience that inevitability of knowing how the movie is going to end, and what's more, you don't care. You just want to experience more of these characters' lives because they are so damn cool

This is the movie that defined the rest of Samuel L Jackson's career of being a potty mouth. The movie that brought back Travolta from obscurity. That had Bruce Willis at his peak of cool, wit and tough guy. That taught is what is a Royale with Cheese, what a gimp is, what to do in the case of a drug overdose, what the coolest weapon in a close encounter is & not to say "what" when someone is asking you a question.
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