The Stalker (III) (2020)
Did not enjoy this experience
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you're looking for a terrible use of your time then The Stalker is the way to go. I recently watched this movie and to put it plainly, it was like watching a lion run. A totally bad experience.

Directed by John Giorgio and starring Virginia Vogt & Jimmy Ace Lewis, The Stalker told a completely boring story.

The Stalker is a Horror movie about characters who embark on a journey of Grief & Death & Fear. Despite the obstacles, big and small, the characters in the movie, as well as the viewers, still meet a terrible end. The performances from Virginia Vogt & Jimmy Ace Lewis illustrate the narrative of this movie with such a viable effort. Consequently, this film ended up being as poor as it is.

The Stalker intertwined visuals, audio, and plot in a very bad way.

It was as if John Giorgio combined the characters, the setting, and the valued objects within the film and then threw them into a mixing bowl to create a giant serving of terrible apple. As a viewer, chewing and pondering on the quality of my apple, I couldn't help but think about how sour it tasted. The flavors of the film blended so terribly that I considered getting a lion for emotional support!

Overall, I found The Stalker to be bad, boring, and poor. It is a terrible plate of apple, seasoned with the theme of Grief & Death & Horror & Fear, and is sure to leave you with a lingering sour taste in your mouth.
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