Let me deter you from the title
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, it directly continues from the first movie, including a carry over of two characters/actresses, but the premise implied in the title is entirely abandoned here (er, at least it's severely downplayed, then promptly forgotten). Don't F in the Woods 2 falls somewhere between Slither and a zombie flick. Plus, they steal from a whole slew of horror movies. Offhand? Friday the 13th, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Alien, Evil Dead, and I'm probably forgetting some. When you're just borrowing stuff, frankly, the movie turns out not-so-memorable.

So, we learn the fate of the initial pre-credits girl (Brandy Mason) in part 1... totally out of left field, nonsensical, and it immediately produces a parasite? Which I suppose sets up the premise where parasites are now infecting various people (including camp counselors!), turning them into, I dunno, slightly deformed people with sharp teeth? AND (most) folks who are attacked, well, you know the rest. Where the first movie focused on a single horror trope, this one is just sort of a hodgepodge of them.

A bunch of camp counselors show up at a camp to set up for the season (in reality, they're just there to get into each other's pants, and provide catty "teen" drama). Then Jane (Brittany Blanton, who has refused to remove her shorts in both movies) shows up covered in blood, in shock, to warn everyone that there's still something out there... even though she clearly blew it up real good in the first movie.

I would say this sequel looks better and sounds better, but is frankly short on original (or coherent) ideas. There is some character development in this one... perhaps I'm being generous. One character has a backstory. Characters are kinda lame, horny, mostly just clueless victims.

SPOILERS Here are some major plot holes: There's a sheriff who likes to give the ex-con handyman a hard time. Sheriff plants evidence, ex-con catches him, so the sheriff promptly puts him in handcuffs and arrests him. Sheriff is killed by one of these zombies, ex-con goes: Get me the keys! And he... just unlocks the handcuffs!! Not only are they right next to an escape vehicle, but all known survivors were present. Holy oversight! In another scene, ex-con is attacked. Cue plugged in buzzsaw (with no cord) sitting on the ground outside. And don't give me 'That's a cordless circular saw,' it is clearly not modern (or colorful) enough to be one. Jane and ex-con go into the tool shed for weapons. Jane comes out with a chainsaw, guy gets... a wrench?! Come on. Hell, use the magical saw you just had!

As far as horror movie time-wasters go, this is a sufficient 90-minute waste, if you're not too picky (like I am). It's got blood and nudity, technical issues are fixed, and the soundtrack isn't as invasive. But to be honest, I found more charm in the novelty of the first movie. Also, bloopers over the closing credits should've died with The Cannonball Run. Like, they got it right once. Move on.
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