Review of Exception

Exception (2022– )
Bland, way too much telling instead of showing and not original at all
17 December 2022
Setting aside the waffling on about VERY basic moral and philosophical concepts, all of which have been sucked dry years ago, the story is just a giant series of exposition and infodumps which could easily have been implied instead of flat out stated by characters. Often times the series actually does both.

One is left with the impression that the directors of this piece had a very low opinion of their audiences average intelligence.

I personally find the contents of the story cliché, cheesy and promoting the wrong values, but that is just personal preference.

What makes this series so hilariously bad is the execution of the storyline in the worst way possible: None of the characters truly behave in a consistent manner and they all clearly only serve as plot devices. This makes it dificult to perceive them as actual personalities.

I guess this could have been done intentionally, as the entire series from its art style, the voice acting and all the way to the actual thoughts and ideas of its people feel very unnatural, forced and artificial.

This theme is also developed a tiny bit durong the series, but while all the actual information is stated very plainly, this philosophical issue they have tried to tackle is severely underdeveloped.

I get the value of art which makes you feel "negative" emotions when engaging with it, but I feel that the creators of this series have hit that uncanny valley where the concept works in the abstract and you can see what they are going for, but it ultimately just makes for a very annoying experience as it doesn't actually "click" the way it was supposed to.

This might again just be personal preference though. If you like feeling detached, this might just be for you.

All the sci-fi aspects of the series are also very badly written, leading to gaping plotholes and internal inconsistencies in the story itself.

This is even the case without considering the "plan" of the antagonists, which is so hilariously bad and convoluted that it gives any rube goldberg machine a run for its money.

I could have written everything this series was trying to tell me on a post-it note and I still would have managed to fit my shopping list on there.

I'm still giving this a two star rating because one can see that some amount of effort and misguided vision went into this, and they at the very least tried to do something new and different.

Sadly, that attempt failed in every single way, but I can still respect the vision& the effort.
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