Troll (2022)
Strong 1st act but weak 2nd and 3rd
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The start of the film started out great. The plot was solid and mostly original. Unfortunately things started going downhill when it turned into your typical monster movie with a lack of plot and idiotic characters.

When the troll first escapes the mtn. There are many witnesses and we even see phone footage from one of them but that plot line ends there and somehow news never spread of a massive troll despite all of the people that would have told the media about it.

Then when the government/ military find the troll they attempt to kill it with small weapons when they could have easily called in an airstrike and safely destroyed it while it was in the middle of nowhere with no casualties or collateral damage.

When this fails, they also fail to evacuate the local towns and the troll wanders into a theme park. I get that maybe the government wanted to keep it a secret to avoid public panic but it was inevitable for a King-Kong sized troll to become world-wide knowledge. They could have easily evacuated the towns by using any number of believable lies or just by using the truth.

When the troll is in the theme park the military "attacks" it with bells. They literally pull a "Kong" and fly the helicopters straight in the face of the Troll and he easily knocks them down (except the one the protagonists are in of course).

This does at least let them know that the troll is sensitive to sounds but they dont use that information to help defend the capitol until he's already inside.

Then this troll travels all the way from the wilderness to the Nations capital and they dont try to stop it until it gets well within the city. They try using rifles and tanks again that obviously don't work and the soldiers all die.

It's not until the troll is already in the middle of the city and surrounded by millions of people that they decide to use some sort of nuke. Apparently they have tanks and nukes but they dont have anything in between that would have worked much more effectively.

In the finale, the girl turns off the lights, endangering all of the soldiers in a foolish effort to save the troll. The stupid soldiers draw their rifle's because they think that will somehow defend them.

The cherry on top is that the royal family (or whatever they're called) apparently knew about the existence of trolls the whole time and kept it a secret instead of studying their fossils or assisting in the defense when one arrives.

The protagonists also manage to load a massive troll scull by hand into the back of a really old pickup truck even though it probably weighs 10x the weight of the truck. The truck magically operates just fine under the weight and outruns the troll at high speeds

Some girl also manages to magically hack into the governments missile system in 5 minutes and remotely take control over the analog buttons inside a jet.

The protagonists plans always involve them running right under the trolls feet and hopefully not getting smooshed.

Their special plan is to trap the troll and surround him with UV light to kill him. But they wait until gets their to set up the lights so thankfully he holds still for them for several seconds so they can finish getting ready even though they could've easily been prepared the entire time. And thankfully he stands still in the light for several more seconds instead fleeing as he burns.

The protagonists also love to play God and do whatever they want and endanger everyone's lives with their spur of the moment whims because they're arrogant and think that they know best and dont care if other people get hurt because of it. She tries to reason with the monster that was trying to kill her seconds before and because this is a stupid works... almost... except time fast forwards from midnight to sunrise in 10 seconds so that the sun can dramatically kill the troll.

The assistant also "resigns" and then regrets it.... What I mean by that is he regrets "resigning" instead of quitting.... He regrets his word choice. Then at the end of the film he goes to his boss (Prime Minister) and says "when I said I resign, I meant I'm quitting this job to go be a writer" -paraphrasing here- and this is maybe the dumbest part of the whole film.
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