Remington Steele (1982–1987)
Such a clever and absorbing mystery program!
27 November 2022
Back when Remington Steele was coming on television weekday afternoons, I think I was 11 or 12. I didn't pay much attention to it. Unlike young girls nowadays, I was doing various activities like playing tag at the park, tennis and golf lessons, art classes, theater camp, and hanging out at other girls' houses. I wasn't sitting in front of a screen all day, TV or computer. I certainly didn't have time for daydreaming about males, celebrity or otherwise. Now at 29 I've rediscovered this show, and I am absolutely in love with it! The series follows the heroic pursuits of licensed private investigator Laura Holt (Stephanie Zimbalist) and Remington Steele (Pierce Brosnan), a male superior who she made up because she wasn't receiving any clients, due to her opening the detective agency under her name. People were unwilling to hire a female PI. In the midst of disagreements and power struggles, they manage to catch various bad guys and sometimes women. It's funny how they occasionally insult each other, despite experiencing romantic attraction (oddly enough, the two of them didn't get along very well for real, but it was attributed to long hours on the set, and they were still able to work together. They probably didn't feel like socializing much because they were tired). Besides the mystery and intrigue, I just enjoy looking at Pierce Brosnan. He was insanely hot! Stephanie Zimbalist's character is also fun to watch, as she was a strong and independent woman who really didn't need a partner. In fact, countless women found her to be a role model. As a young woman myself, I think the show appeals to me because, besides Pierce Brosnan's sexiness, he and Stephanie Zimbalist were in the same age group as I am throughout the duration of the series. I feel like in this day and time when a show has people in their late 20s to early 30s, they act so obnoxious and stupid. TV writers know they have to make programs loud with juvenile, shock value humor in order to appeal to the under 35 crowd, because their attention spans are so short from using technology. I don't need bells and whistles to be entertained. Just give me sophistication, mystery, some romance, and I'm all set to go. Highly recommend for anyone who's nostalgic for the 1980s and/or just loves a smart detective show!
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