David Vs Goliath.
24 November 2022
Back when advertising campaigns were very, very different, Pepsi launched an audacious, fun campaign, Pepsi points for prizes, 7 million, would get you a Harrier jet.....just fun right, not for John Leonard.

I have to be honest, I thoroughly enjoyed this four part series, first of all, it was refreshing to watch something that didn't feature serial killers and murders, and it was good to learn of a story I knew nothing about.

Plenty of really interesting interviews, it's a basic David Vs Goliath story, the little guy (albeit one with some hefty financial backing,) taking on a big corporate business, Pepsi co.

It's arguably a little slow and repetitive in parts, and four episodes was definitely too long, but I was never bored, there were plenty of interesting bits, including the insight from Avenatti, and the story in The Philippines, Pepsi did not come out of this looking too good.

Very interesting, 8/10.
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