The Stepford Children (1987 TV Movie)
Dull and Uninspired
20 November 2022
This film begins with a man named "Steven Harding" (Don Murray) purchasing a home in the small town of Stepford, Connecticut where he used to live about 18 years earlier. He then returns to New York City and together both he and his wife "Laura Harding" (Barbara Eden) pack up the car and head on out. Also with them are their two teenage children "David Harding" (Randall Batinkoff) and "Mary Harding" (Tammy Lauren) who are both a little rebellious at times--especially with their father. Be that as it may, once they arrive both David and Mary are shocked to see just how dull and boring all the other kids in school are. There is, however, one particular teenage girl named "Lois Gregson" (Debbie Barker) who also recently arrived in Stepford and isn't like the others and because of that both her and David hit it off right away. For that matter, both Laura and Lois' mother "Sandy Gregson" (Sharon Spelman) also become good friends due in large part because everyone else in Stepford seems so strange. And then one day Sandy also begins acting different--and this has a direct effect on everyone involved. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I honestly didn't expect too much from this film until I noticed that Barbara Eden was starring in it. I mention this because she is one of those actresses who can typically take a film with an uninspired plot and bring it up to a reasonable level. Unfortunately, this wasn't one of those times because the plot in this film was basically the same as the original movie, "The Stepford Wives" and its sequel, "Revenge of the Stepford Wives" with the only difference being the age of some of the victims. That being said, there really weren't too many surprises here. Throw in a rather botched ending and I honestly have no choice but to rate it as slightly below average.
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