Review of Challenger

Challenger (1990 TV Movie)
A Solemn Memory
13 November 2022
I was a young man in the first year in my new career after college when the challenger exploded. It was heartbreaking. There was a teacher being shown standing next to a TV set showing the even to her grade school class. After the shuttle exploded she burst into tears and was unconsciously hitting the old style tv set. Thirty two years later I came across Challenger on some obscure channel while channel surfing during a Sunday football game-break.

Challenger is not a great film. But it is a good one. The acting is solid. The story about whether to launch or not, the astronauts and their families were portrayed well. In retrospect you wonder how anyone would have considered launching with all that ice. And . It brought back the memories and feelings of those sad days. I'm very glad they didn't show the explosion. Challenger was about the people. As the crew was about to lift off, each astronaut was shown in the shuttle, voicing over lines from John Magee's poem "High Flight". The final verse of that poem is: "Up, up the long, delirious burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace Where never lark, or ever eagle flew - And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod The high un-trespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God."
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