Arachnophobia (1990)
Entertaining monster comedy with a spider accidently transported from the jungles of South America with fateful consequences
11 November 2022
Doctor Ross Jennings (Jeff Daniels) , his wife (Harley Jane Kozak) and their two children uproot from the urban sprawl to a picturesque Californian small town . But the locals are distrustful of the city slickers , and at the begging suffering some social rejection, feelings compouded when the new doctor's patients start dropping dead . As a Queen spider is transported from South America into the United States . A Venezuelan spider accidentally imported from the rain forests , has also taken up residence , and its deadly offspring are making house calls outside surgery hours . Along the way , a lot of spiders appearing here and there. Eight legs, two fangs and an attitude ! . The suspense of Alien!. The excitement of Jaws! The fun of Back To The Future!.

For his directorial debut Frank Marshall has crammed the screen with a 50s typycal plot of the Monster movies , dealing with species of South American killer spider hitches a lift to the U. S. in a coffin and begins to breed and kill, it is full of knee-jerk thrills interlaced with black humor. Monster film in which terror has 8 legs with plenty of thrills , chills , spectacular scenes and spider attacks , as the movie yields plenty of grisly pleasures . Arachnophobia (1990) results to be a decent spooky terror/monster movie with a lot of hilarious moments . It is a blending of the monster movies of the 50s such as 'Tarantula' and modern American production with stunning special effects. The thrilling screenplay is a bit yawn-inspiring but nifty spiders will keep you from dozing off , here there are perfectly combinated : Animatronics , computer visual effects , actual spiders and enormous Tarantulas . A superior Spider flick with good cast as Jeff Daniels , Harley Jane Kozak and Julian Sands . Subtetly of support characterisation : Stuart Pankin, Brian McNamara, Henry Jones, Peter Jason , James Handy, Roy Brocksmith is secondary to the antics of the little vampires who take victims conveniently earmarked : a glutton, a jock , an unshaved whinger receive painful lessons . But is John Goodman who steals the show easily upstaging his co-stars in a glorious appearance as a bull-headed pest controller. Although nothing which haven't been seen before, this is not the picture to watch if you are scared of spiders , however the movie is amusing enough .The production is in big budget , being efficiently directed by Frank Marshall , long-time Steven Spielberg producer. Designed to reduce the audience to squirming mass , it is utterly arachnophobia people must flee this film.

Other movies about this Spider sub-genre are the following ones : ¨Tarantula (1955)¨ by Jack Arnold with John Agar ; ¨Tarantula: the deadly cargo (1977)¨ with Claude Akins ; ¨Kingdom of spiders (77)¨ by John Budd Cardos with William Shatner , ¨Arachnophobia(1990)¨ by Frank Marshall with John Goodman , Jeff Daniels , Harley Jane Kozak, Julian Sands ; ¨Arachnid¨ by Jack Sholder with Chris Potter , Jose Sancho , Neus Asensi ; Spiders (2000) by Gary Jones with Lana Parrilla , Josh Green , David Carpenter , Jonathan Breck ; ¨Spiders II: Breeding Ground¨ (2001) by Sam Firstenberg with Stephanie Niznik , Greg Cromer , Daniel Quinn , Richard Moll ; ¨Eight Legged Freaks¨ (2002) by Ellory Elkayem with Scarlett Johansson , Kari Wuhrer , David Arquette and Spiders 3D (2003) by Tibor Tabaks with Sydney Sweeney , Patrick Muldoon , Christa Campbell , William Hope .
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