Auf Wiedersehen, Pet (1983–2004)
Worth a watch.
26 October 2022
Im fascinated with old tv shows and i never watched "Auf wiedersehen, Pet". I saw this show in a HMV shop as 2 season DVD collection. I was curious and excited to give it a try.

This show captures very much the era of its time. Its a social commentary and we see the devastating results of the Thatcher era.

The plot is simple, a motley crew of British workers go to Europe(first season Germany, Dusseldorf) to work at consteuction sites to earn money. There are no jobs for them in Britain.

Conflicts are; divorce, partners and kids they left behind, cultural differences, predjudices against Germans, Turks, Spanish and others, drinking, gambling, hookers and women in general and conflicts among each other.

The show is classified as "comedy" but there is little to none comedy. Its a drama show. I like the vibe but its definetly heavy to watch and you need breaks between episodes. I found it not necessarily "binge-material".

Its a good show to watch, very interesting but its probably for a specific audience.
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