I enjoyed it.
26 October 2022
This is a lot funnier than the negative review Wonkypedia gives it. Maybe septic tanks don't get the Aussie in-jokes or can't understand a movie that doesn't follow the Hollywood formula. Hogan's self-deprecating humour is great - I hope the Australian Taxation Office gets the irony! From when I first saw Hoges on Kevin Dennis New Faces not only playing the garbophone but also sending up the judges with a sarcastic critique of their lousy acumen, through to his TV show with Strop and Delvene, and then his Dundee movies, what's there not to like?

Particularly poignant is the storyline of how he is more concerned about his effect on his granddaughter than any of the superficiality of the showbiz world. It's pretty obvious that he enjoyed making this film for the opportunity to take a shot at red carpet bulldust. Sure, it's not a "fantastic blockbuster", but the extremely negative reviews given by Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and Wikipedia show just how out of touch they can be,.. that they're not capable of understanding ocker humour or anything non-USA.
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