Nathan for You (2013–2017)
very innovative...refreshingly different
15 October 2022
The idea for this is original different and definitely never been done's refreshing coz it does get exhausting when the same things keep being reproduced and fed to your over and over...

the show is it laugh out loud funny? I don't think so...there's bits of really clever comedy...but mostly you're just musing at the weird's funny coz it's ridiculous...

i don't think a show like this can be sustainable over a long period of time...after about three four episodes it's like okay enough...maybe it came out at the perfect time or can watch an episode today and another episode a month later...coz of the streaming services...

is it the greatest comedy out there? Definitely not...but did we need this type of thing? Definitely fresh and never hurts...

even though musing at the ridiculous is what you do in the the episodes roll starts to weigh heavy...for some point i just couldn't keep watching...

is the innovative nature of the show enough to make it a good comedy? the quality of the comedy enough to make this a good show? No...but is it good enough for some casual viewing? Yes...totally!

It's almost a skit show sketch show...and there's a few FANTASTIC skits sketches here...really really good...but then most of the other stuff is just the ridiculously amazing...
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