Cunk on Earth (2022)
A Timeless Mystery
21 September 2022
"Insanity has limits but stupidity has none", Elbert Hubbard

My favourite Open Univeristy educational presenter brings us more wisdom from the ages. More of the great programming coming from the UK's BBC, which means good writing, production, and expertly delivered by one of my favourite performers, Diane Morgan. She such a distinguished dead pan delivery that i believe is now cornerstone of her acting skillset. And some of the contributors and experts leave me in stitches, especially the ones who don't really know or heard of Cunk, but the longer Cunk is on the prowl, the more awareness of the parody become clear. Most of the experts know what is going on by now. And fair play to the writers and shows creator Charlie Brooker for still surprising the experts with their intriguing questions.

If you have only come across this show, and get a giggle from this type of humour, I highly recommend going and watching the other TV shows "Cunk On ...".
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