Review of Clanul

Clanul (2022–2024)
Shameful! "TATUTZU" obsessively used about a 1000 times per episode is so annoying nickname that can easily be ranked as one of the most embarrassing idea in TV history
20 September 2022
And "TATUTZU" meant to connect with an illiterate audience is just the tip of the iceberg. All characters speaking in the same voice, the constant exposition, the irrational storylines the terrible acting of the entire cast seem an exercise to disregard any rule in the storytelling theory and showcase what TV should never look like.

This series seems dug out from the prehistory of cinematography. If f this script were to be presented to a prestigious studio, it would never pass the doorman. But if you are in a market where screenwriter selection has nothing to do with your skills. But with belonging to the clique holding the industry hostage and of course, you have no respect for your audience this is precisely what you come up with. You take all the clichés from American C-rated movies, plots, character arcs, settings etc spice them up with Bollywood-style drama and you just mindlessly copy and paste them into your script. Of course, reading about new trends in scriptwriting in mature markets is out of the question. When the judging executives are as backward and uneducated as you, what difference would it make? Why do you need to know that movie storytelling has evolved and that audience expectations have changed? Like any top predator in its jungle, you keep pushing the idiotic Romanian cinematography old-school ways and presume the plot holes don't mind because the public is stupid enough to be fooled by final 'great" scenes, or that female protagonists/antagonists are just how the liberals are aiming to destroy the unparallel traditions of Romanian Movie Industry.
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