Review of Booker

Booker (1989–1990)
Should have been called "Booger".
15 September 2022
Though apparently nobody picked it. (Get it? HAHAHA!)

And this awful show should have starred the chubby actor who played the character Booger in "Revenge of the Nerds" instead of the long-since-forgotten nobody: Richard Grieco. Though some young girls thought Grieco was good looking, most adults (and all men) thought he was kinda' funny looking, like the brightly colored backside of a baboon. And he couldn't act worth squat.

This show was a stupid, boring, cliche-filled waste of an entire season of airtime. It should have been canceled as soon as some dummy said, "Hey, let's make a new show about a detective in L. A. who wears earrings and a leather jackets, defies authority, works alone because a partner would only slow him down, and who looks kinda' pretty and androgynous, so he appeals to both men and women. We'll throw in all the usual cliches and t'll be completely unoriginal", which in Hollywood is a much revered thing. But they made the mistake of casting Richard Grieco, who was at the beginning of an almost-career, which ended up petering out quickly before making a near comeback at its peak in "A Night at the Roxbury". His acting in that movie was wooden and unbelievable, even though he was playing a parody of himself.

For all those who claim this Booker character was smart and cool, he was only as smart and cool as the writers wanted him to be. And nobody bought into it except for a total of about six confused young women who are clamoring for this silly show on DVD.
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